Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio 2014

For today’s blog, I’m tasting something really common.  You can find this wine in almost any grocery store and restaurants all around the country.  At less than $10/bottle, it’s a reasonably priced Italian white wine.

Unlike the last couple of wines I’ve blogged about, this one won’t win any awards for most creative label.  It’s elegant and “educated.”  Very straight forward.  My husband like to buy bottles of wine for me based on the label.  (That’s how I ended up with 19 Crimes.)  He wouldn’t give this one a second thought.

There’s a really neat thing that happens with “Old World” wines.  When you smell them, the nose can tell you exactly where they come from.  (Thank you Amy, from Talk of the Table, for teaching me that!)  This wine is a great example.

Pour an ounce or two in the bottom of your wine glass, swirl it around to let it mix with some oxygen, and smell.  Do you smell it?  There’s a brief moment where you can actually smell northern Italy, a brief mustiness that makes you think about wet earth.  Then apples, pears, and a bit of pineapple.  The nose is gorgeous – compare it to an American Pinot Grigio if you dare to open two bottles at once.
The flavor is almost secondary to the amazing nose.  It’s refreshing, light, and very easy to drink.  (I’ve read this is the most popular Pinot Grigio in American restaurants.)  It has enough flavor to not be watery, but is still light enough that my best “not wine” friends will still enjoy it.

This wine will go nicely with a vegetable quiche.  Make a quiche with a heavier flavor to balance the lightness of the Pinot Grigio – use mushrooms, onions, artichoke, and Swiss cheese. 
