February 16, 2017

Apothic White: 2015

I have several “off the grocery store shelf” secrets.  Wines that I love that are common, easy to get, everyday wines. 

The Apothic label is one of those.  I’m perfectly happy when someone in my life gifts me with one of these bottles.  Everything I’ve ever tasted from this label makes me happy.

Disclaimer: everything I’ve ever tasted from this label is also (at the very least) slightly sweet. 

The nose of this wine holds a lot of grapefruit for me.  Which is odd.  The blend of grapes in this wine is Chardonnay, Riesling, and Pinot Grigio.  To me, grapefruit equals sauvignon blanc.  And the color, too, has the very light quality of a Sauv Blanc.

Regardless, there is a lot of citrus in the nose.

The initial flavor is a little sweet, with flavors of orange.  It’s almost like orange candy – a starburst or those little orange gummy candies you see at Christmas.  Yep, you know the ones – they’re always the last piece to be eaten.  This is the grown up version of that flavor.

After the initial flavor stuns the pallet, it mellows a bit like a Pinot Grigio.

In the battle between the three varietals in this wine, Riesling comes out on top.  It’s the first flavor you taste – much like the NHL forward carrying the puck to the net.  But after the Riesling fires at the net, both Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio are left behind to catch the rebounds.

The result is a very nice white with a balance of sweetness and lingering flavor.

Try dinking this one without food.  The flavor alone is very nice.
