July 13, 2017

Tisdale Pinot Grigio

My husband loves baseball.  He can quote you stats, knows where most teams are in the standings, has a favorite team on each coast (Atlanta Braves and LA Dodgers), and can argue for days as to why the National League is better.  (Sadly, I grew up near Toledo. My teams of choice – Detroit Tigers and Cleveland Indians – are not acceptable in his world.)

I tolerate baseball.  I enjoy a couple of games each year.  Usually once or twice at Braves Stadium (the new Suntrust Field is awesome, by the way) and once or twice at the Triple A affiliate, Gwinnett Braves.

This afternoon, we’re heading out to a Gwinnett game.

For myself, this is a little time in the sunshine, and accepting that today my husband gets to pick date night and no winery will be involved.

For my husband, today will be spent in quiet prayer and mediation that Freddy Freeman, Atlanta Brave and local celebrity, will play in tonight’s game.  He’s currently assigned to Gwinnett for rehab after an injured wrist.

I thought a glass of wine before the game might make the beer and hot dogs look a little more appealing later tonight. 

I grabbed a bottle of Tisdale Pinot Grigio from Sprouts just for this blog.  At $3.50 per bottle, it’s the least expensive wine you can purchase at the “fresh food market.”

The nose is sweet.  Really sweet.  Full of peaches and a hint of melon. 

Initially, this wine has a mineral bite.  The sweetness of the nose doesn’t carry over to the flavor.  
However, after a mild distraction by my dog, the wine warms a bit and allows in a little air.

Much better.  Now I can taste the fruits and the sharp bite is gone.

Not bad for a really, really inexpensive wine.  I’d probably drink it again.  I’ve had much worse in a more expensive bottle.

Now onto baseball.   Go Tribe.
