August 3, 2017
Special Blog: Veritas Viognier – Monticello

I’m back!  Sorry for the unintentional vacation.  The combination of a computer glitch and being ultra focused on another project collided.  My regular blogs will go back up next week, but today I wanted to bring you something special and exciting.

I love regional wineries.  And I love trying wines from new areas.  California, Italy, France are all great.  But I want new and fabulous, too.  That’s part of the reason I check out small (sometimes sketchy looking) wineries around the country.  You never know when you’ll find something awesome.

Admittedly, a lot of them are terrible and will never see a mention on this blog or Facebook page.  But occasionally, there are winners.  Georgia Winery’s Unoaked Chardonnay is one.  I still hold that one to be one of the best in Georgia.

This wine came to me through the owner of a local wine shop.  She’s very “by the book.”  Her shop stocks unique, real-deal wines.  You’re not going to find anything there that your local grocery store carries.  But you’ll find wines in all price points.  Everything is legitimate and impressive.

This winery is from Virginia.


Still pausing.

Yes, Virginia.

Quick, name me a well known winery from Virginia…

Nope.  Didn’t think so.

But Amy said to give it a go, so I did.

Holy Toledo, Batman! 

Loads of fruit on the nose that carry over to the flavor, but it still manages to stay fairly dry.  I taste apricots and honeysuckle.  I can pick up peaches on the nose.

I’m floored.  I love Viognier.  For me, it’s a great alternative to heavy Chardonnays (those tend to give me a headache within minutes of drinking).  And this one is absolutely stunning.

I love it.

Thank you, Amy, for the great wine.

***Bloggers note: this one is slightly out of the $20 price range at $25.  But it’s totally worth the splurge.
