September 28, 2017
Paranoia Red Blend

I’m cheating.  I bought this wine for next week – the start of my Halloween wines.

But it’s been another tough week at the office so I decided to embrace my favorite holiday a few days early.

I’m a pretty up front person.  If I have a problem, I’ll either let it go or speak directly to the person who I have the problem with.

I forget not everyone works the same way.

I am also able to separate friendship from disagreements.

Also something that is tough for some.

So, at the end of a long week, I can at least say I know where to go for milk.  (It’s an old saying – don’t go to the hardware store for milk.)  Sadly, there are less grocery stores and more hardware stores than I thought in my life.

I know, depressing.

Thankfully, this wine isn’t depressing. 

There’s a lot of dark fruit in this wine – cherries, blueberries, a touch of oak, and maybe a hint of pomegranate.  Oh – and it’s dry!  I could dance that it’s dry.  Too many red blends sit on the side of too sweet.

It has a dark garnet color that makes me look forward to turning leaves and cooler nights.

For a $10 bottle of red, one that will please both the regular wine drinker and the newbie, this bottle is a great value.
