November 16, 2017
La Galope Rose

I love French wine.  Always have.  When I was in high school, I took the traditional student trip.  Mine was to France.  I had the most awesome teacher. Her name was Cynthia Avers, and I never told her how much I appreciated that trip.  I learned a lot.

And she took us to a winery.  Yep.  How cool of a teacher is that?

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated the trip to Giverny, loved the Louvre, and will never forget the Greek Orthodox cathedral we visited in Monaco.  It’s a trip I still hold dear to my heart, one I hope to repeat one day when someone is able to take care of my business for ten days while I’m out of the country.

What I learned at the winery (at the tender age of seventeen), is that I loved the process.  I found learning about the production of wine fascinating, the explanations of tannin, nose, and various grape blends, incredible.  I wanted more.

That trip is probably part of what catapulted me into my adult wine hobby.

(We’re going to forget the college years of bad bottles of Merlot dying a sad death in my apartment refrigerator.)

La Galope is an affordable wine ($10 for this bottle).  It’s beautiful and easy to drink.  The rose is dry, but still holds a hint of strawberry.  What I love the most, is the citrus added to the strawberry.  Think grapefruit like a Sauvignon Blanc. 

It ages well, still tastes nice after two or three days of being open.

Take an imaginary trip to France.  Buy a bottle of this, serve it with Thanksgiving.  Drink with the leftovers while you watch An American in Paris.
