November 30, 2017
Tridente Tempranillo

It’s turkey hangover time.  I went in to work on Sunday and simply couldn’t get myself going.  I talked to a lot of people, standing around the watercooler.  The pile of paperwork I ignored all last week is still there.  I guess I’ll need to get to those sooner rather than later.

On the positive side, the Christmas decorations are all almost up.  My husband and the cat were a great help – they sat on the sofa and let me know when I dropped something.  Neither of them wanted to “get in the way of my holiday vision.”  Thanks, guys.

The holidays aren’t exactly relaxing around my house and office.  We push through December with New Year’s Eve in our sights.  For us, New Year’s is a working holiday that generally results in a post-midnight run to Steak and Shake, along with a bottle of champagne at home, and Netflix until we fall asleep. 

I’ll cover champagne later in the month.  Today, let’s talk about a deep, dark, spicy red wine.

As a rule, Tempranillo is going to be spicy.  This one isn’t as spicy as most.  It has the bite of spice – cinnamon mostly, with some dark red fruits, chocolate, and a touch of oak.

The nose might fool you.  There’s a lot of cherry on the nose, but not the depth that I expect from a European wine.  It’s better if you decant first.

I don’t think I’d drink this one alone.  It needs food to offset and balance the flavors of the wine.  Pair it with a steak dinner and I think you’ll be on the right track to truly enjoy this wine.

On a side note, for those of you who are curious, I did drink a rose for Thanksgiving.  I went with a Bordalino rose, Italian.  I’ll remember that for next year, it was dry as the desert, and fabulous.
