January 25, 2018
Intrinsic Cabernet Sauvignon

Another day, another “snow storm” in Georgia.  In fairness, this one did a number on the roads.  (With less than an inch of ice.)  First rain, then change over to light snow, then a drastic drop in temps.  It isn’t going above freezing today, which means all those roads are going to remain ice and snow covered into tomorrow.  (Have fun, friends with children, it’s going to be another snow day!)

It took me forever to understand roads here in the south.  To my Northwest Ohio upbringing, the idea that my entire county shut down over this is laughable.  (Seriously, all Government offices – closed.  All grocery stores and malls – closed.  Heck, even the Mattress Firm closed.)

Okay, so McDonald’s and the Liquor Store are open.  I guess all college students will survive the ice storm.

But I have a refrigerator stocked with an embarrassing amount of cheese, a full wine refrigerator (with back up bottles on the shelf), and a whole lot of novels I haven’t finished yet.

However, my husband might be more entertaining than a novel today.  He woke up not feeling well (it’s flu season), so he’s camped out on the couch watching the first season of “Dynasty” because “that’s what popped up on Amazon Prime.”  Yes, folks, “Dynasty,” as in the nighttime soap from the 1980’s.  Not “Duck Dynasty.”  Not even the new remake.  Actual, good, old-fashioned Dynasty about the Carringtons.

I figured it was about time to pull out a bottle of wine.

This bottle was a gift twice over.  The label is gorgeous.    It comes out of the Columbia Valley.  This winery has hands down, some of the most beautiful labels I’ve ever seen.

Properly chilled, this wine smells like a leather shop.  It’s solid, strong, and warming.  (Despite the cold weather outside.)

The flavors are blueberry, cherry, and chocolate.  It’s exquisite and spectacular.

Beautiful bottle aside, this is an awesome wine.

Now I’m going to pour myself a full glass and see how many episodes of Dynasty he actually can get through.
