February 22, 2018
Columbia Crest Merlot
The sun is shining in Georgia,
it’s over seventy, and my daffodils are already in bloom. I shudder, wondering when that last freeze is
going to show up. How many of the
plants, budding too early, will it kill?
Or is this really going to be the year that we start summer by
The weather doesn’t make me think
about white wines just yet. I’m still
enjoying my full-bodied reds.
Columbia Crest, a regular bottle
you can find most anywhere, fit that bill. I was looking for something smoky, I
picked a Merlot.
Shortly after opening, this bottle
earned a special spot in Affordable Wine Snob history – I poured it down the
drain. (I can count on one hand the
number of times I’ve done that.)
The issue is hidden somewhere in
the tannins and sulfites. I have
recently noticed that some wines will give me terrible headaches. I could tell from the first sip this one was
going to do that.
I’m not sure what is the exact
culprit, but I can say for certain the headache comes more certainly from
lesser expensive wines. This one did
it. Another wine I’ve had before, Tall
Dark Stranger, also did it but not so badly.
(As long as I stayed to one small glass, this TDS seems to be okay for
I’ve seen sulfite removers and I
have another friend who turns bright red if too much tannin is in the
wine. Maybe I’m developing something
But even without the headache,
this wine isn’t anything to write home about.
Too strong, too much body, and just…too much.
Skip the Columbia Crest for
something else.
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