February 8, 2018
Chateau St. Jean: Crisp Chardonnay 2016

Sometimes, life surprises you. 

In the last few months, I’ve discovered friendship in places I never would have believed.  (I have one dear friend whom I clearly remember thinking, I’m not going to like her, the first time we met.  I am eternally grateful I kept an open mind and let life take us along a journey together to get us to now.  And the reminder: what you see on the surface isn’t always real.)

I’ve also felt the sting of betrayal from friends I thought were deep and true.

Most humbling, I recently decided to change my internal attitude about a student.  He seemed to know every single button I have and was adept at pushing them.  Sometimes, just walking into the class with him was enough to make me frustrated.  When I finally realized that the Powers That Be had determined that he was going to be in class with me either until he graduated, or I died, I decided it was time to change my attitude.

I decided to not be frustrated.  To look at his antics with humor instead of anger.  To compliment a job well done instead of pointing out a wrong.

How did it turn out? 

I look forward to class with this student now.  He’s truly endearing.  He’s funny.  He’s engaging.  And when I started thinking differently, I realized he was only looking for my approval.  One kind word and he smiles for days.

It’s humbling to realize how important that one word of acknowledgement can be.

Also surprising is this wine.  Chateau St. Jean is too much of a grocery store staple for me.  I never pick up a bottle, even for this blog.  This one caught my attention because of one word, “Crisp.” 

I was looking for a Chardonnay to have with steak.  I love unoaked.  Crisp sounded like unoaked.  I picked up the bottle, and sure enough, steel barrel aged Chardonnay without ever touching oak.

The nose is full of pears and apples.  The flavors inside are citrus, granny smith apples, and lemon.

It probably wasn’t the best pairing for a steak, but it went beautifully with the after dinner popcorn and a movie.  (Okay, not movie.  I can’t sit still for a whole movie.  Episode of Property Brothers.)

Chateau St. Jean surprised me with this bottle.  Maybe I should try another.  We’ll see, maybe a change in my attitude could bring another sneaky bottle of surprises home.
