March 15, 2018

When I opened this bottle, I said, “This smells amazing.  It smells and tastes like rocks.”

Needless to say, my husband looked at me with the most puzzled expression.  He doesn’t drink wine, so he doesn’t understand why smelling like the earth is a good thing.

What I mean is, the first flavor to hit your tongue is mineral.  That’s something I’m used to in some whites I drink.  It’s refreshing, especially in summer.  I can’t recall a time I’ve tasted it this strongly in a red before.

I’ll spoil the end of the blog for you – I love the wine.  It’s complex, easy to drink, and I promise you can taste the clay, limestone, and slate of the region.

This ability to taste the flavor is why I’m so excited about this wine.  For years, I have been able to identify certain qualities of wine.  I’m pretty accurate naming country of origin (except for South America, I don’t drink many wines from there).  I can identify varietal a fair amount of the time.  (A Cab tastes totally different from a Malbec.)

This wine is the first time I tasted a wine, having not read the bottle, and said, “This tastes like the mountains in Spain.” 

If you’re trying to develop your taste, try this wine.  See if you taste what I do. 
