March 22, 2018
Pacific Rim Dry Riesling

Wednesday is my day off.  Usually, I putter around the house – working on writing related work, cleaning, vacuuming, gardening if the season is right.  This week, I did one thing. 

I sat, transfixed, devouring the second book in the Outlander series, Dragonfly in Amber. 

Read it, my friends said, you’ll love it.

They failed to mention it would give me crazy dreams at night, rip my heart out, return hope only to stomp all over it, and prevent any work from being done for days at a time.  At work, I sneak the book out between phone calls like an addict looking for a fix.

I might have a few less friends today.  (Just kidding.  I’m loving it, but taking a “vacation” after this one.  I need some recovery time before Voyager.  My sister warned me about the rabbit hole.  She failed to mention the rabbit hole is actually the Pit of Sarlacc.)

Under the auspice of “working from home,” I ploughed through the last 100+ pages along with a hot bath and a bottle (I mean glass) of Riesling.  I had to make due with Washington State because I (oddly) didn’t have an actual bottle of Rhenish on hand.  (Wine mentioned multiple times in the book, which means wine from the Rhein region of Germany.  See, we learn things by reading overly addictive historical/fantasy novels.) 

Note to self – pick up a bottle of German wine on the way home from your meeting later tonight.

I really like Pacific Rim, and most all Reisling coming out of Washington State is good.  Myself coming from an area of the country with German roots, the slightly sweet Reisling and Gewurztraminer are a “comfort food” among wines for me. 

This one has flavors of peach and pear, is medium bodied, not too sweet.  It sipped nicely today all by itself, with no food paired alongside.  This will fit the pallet of most drinkers, newbies and experienced wine connoisseurs alike.

As for book three, Voyager.  I emotionally feel like I’ve been run over by a carriage, jumped out of a boat crossing the English Channel, and then tossed by an angry horse.  I think I will take time to read some YA novel before I embark on book three.  Because everyone lives happily ever after when you’re a young adult, right?
