March 8, 2018
Big House White Wine

Business has been frustratingly slow the last two months.  Slow spurts like that aren’t unusual – they come and go and buying choices change.  The fact that one of the giants of my industry is poised for collapse isn’t helping.

Difficult business times wear on nerves, turns friends into frienemies, and can cause tension in the healthiest of companies.

How do you combat it?  Focus on the positive.

Yesterday, between conversations with my attorney about a customer that seems to be determined to cause issues for me, a small miracle happened. 

A former customer, who left us on unhappy terms, walked back through the door.  I give her a lot of credit.  Given how unhappy the terms of her family’s departure was, I never expected to see her again.  If I were in her shoes, I don’t think I could have walked through the door.

By the end of today, her family is a customer again.  Small miracle.
I tried my best to behave with grace.  To hear her out and accept my part of the responsibility for the original issue.  After all, there’s always two sides to each story, two view points, and the truth lies between them.

I’m happy to have them back.  I hate to end relationships on a bad note.

Big House White is a fun wine I picked up at the local Sprouts.  It had a fun label and an even more fun name.  I bought it, also, because it was a private joke about where I don’t want to be because someone made me angry enough to act out.

Even better, I love it.  The nose is all kinds of peach sprinkled with honeysuckle, maybe a hint of citrus thrown in.  The flavors are light, not too sweet, and easy to drink.  There are mineral overtones, pear, apple, and citrus. 

I bough the bottle, but I see from their website that they sell it in the box, too.  Go for it.  I love it and so will you!
