April 12, 2018
Drops of Jupiter Cabernet Sauvignon

I started my career in music with musicals.  Phantom of the Opera to be exact.  I remember being in middle school (called junior high back then) and my friend Juliet lending me her tape of Phantom to listen to.  I didn’t expect to enjoy it.  I remember having some very unpleasant things to say about it, to be honest.  I liked choir, I liked singing, but come on.  Musicals?

A few years and a college degree in music later, musicals are still a forbidden love of mine.  I work in the contemporary musical world.  I know more songs by Bon Jovi than by Bach.  I don’t have much time for musicals between learning my own music, teaching music to my students, and finding music for the many student bands I work with.

But I do find time now and again to enjoy the theater.  Late last year, my husband and I went to see Love Never Dies, the musical sequel to Phantom of the Opera.  I should preface this story with: my husband has been angry about Phantom since we first saw it together many years ago.  “She chose the wrong man,” is all he’ll say before walking out of the room.

Off to the Fox Theater we go, prepared to enjoy a night of music.  He seemed to really like it.  Until the very end.  I won’t give away the ending, but let’s say he was less than pleased.  Angry is a more appropriate word.  “We waited all these years for that!  Andrew Lloyd Webber should be ashamed of himself!”

However, music lovers, the show was visually spectacular, musically moving, and truly does tell a beautiful story.  I have my own theories about the ending.  We’ll discuss those over coffee sometime.  I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise by putting them in print.

While at the theater, I was happy to enjoy a cheese plate and a nice glass of wine.  Thank you, Fox Theater, for upgrading from the usual popcorn and sodas at the theater!

Today’s wine, Drops of Jupiter, is a nod to my love of music.  The winery is owned by Pat Monahan of the band Train.  After being successful with his California “budget” brands, Save Me San, Francisco, he put out a median priced line called “Drops of Jupiter.”  The Save Me, San Francisco wines are drinkable, but not spectacular.

These wines stepped up the game.  This Cab smells like strawberry jam.  Sourced from two regions in Australia, with lots of fruit up front and strong tannins on the end.  It’s a great wine.  Grab a bottle when The Greatest Showman comes out on video, you’ll love it!
