May 10, 2018

Simonet: Vin Moussex Blanc de Blanc

I love French wines, especially French bubbly.  (Preferably in small amounts, it doesn’t take much sparkling to give me one heck of a headache.)  I’d like to say the bottle I’m blogging about is for a special occasion, but it isn’t.

A bargain on a budget, Simonet Blanc de Blanc was only $10 for the bottle.  I’d picked it up for an evening at my house celebrating the end of a musical season with one of my musical groups.  Since (almost) no one in the group has a “wine pedigree,” I went with affordable rather than extravagant.

Total side note – one of my favorite lines from the book “Born of Legend” is when the main character is asked to pick out a bottle of wine.  He asks, “Do you want a robust bargain or something decadently obscene that will leave your panties on the floor, your head in the clouds, and your bank account screaming in agony?”  Great way to describe wine options.

But, despite being a robust bargain, this Blanc de Blancs is fabulous.  It isn’t too dry, it isn’t sweet at all, and sips nicely with or without food.  If you can find it, buy it.

The event itself was fun.  We “watched” Phantom of the Opera (okay, it played on the television while no on paid attention), reviewed our concert from two weeks ago (which was good), and enjoyed each other’s company for a light-hearted evening. 

Every musical group (heck, every group, period) needs to bond from time to time.  To spend a few minutes eating together, laughing together, and getting to know each other. 

My personal favorite moment of the night?  The mom who arrives, surveys my wine offerings, and then jumps up and down, clapping her hands, chanting, “Tonight I get to drink an adult beverage!”
