May 31, 2018
Casal Garcia Rose Vinho Verde

I’m sorry for disappearing on you last week.  Stomach bug.  There wasn’t much wine tasting happening at my house.

But now I’m all better, school is out for the summer, and it’s time for some porch-sipping wines.

Let’s be honest.  There isn’t a whole lot of porch-sipping time in Georgia, unless your porch is covered, insulated, and air-conditioned.  For the next week or two, I’ll be doing all the porch enjoyment I can get in before 90-degree days and 80-degree nights set in.

Maybe not 80-degree nights, but warm enough that sitting on the back porch is sweaty and uncomfortable.  Plus, we live next to a creek, so there’s the mosquitos, gnats, and houseflies…now I’m off topic.

Summer.  Porch-sipping wines.  A good porch-sipper needs to be white, refreshing, and not too dry.  Chardonnay is too heavy.  Viognier is too dry.  Vinho Verde is just right, Goldilocks.

This amazing wine from Portugal has a hint of sweet, retaining enough dry characteristics to make most wine snobs happy. 

The rose version of this wine is like adding sliced fresh strawberries to the bottle.  Not kidding.  I don’t usually like strawberries in my rose, but I love this one.  It’s refreshing, fresh, and enjoyable with a salad on or its own.

Signing off from the back porch, glass of Vinho Verde in hand, here’s wishing you a fabulous summer filled with family, friends, and a great bottle of porch-sipping wine.
