June 14, 2018
Corte Alla Flora Cabernet Sauvignon

It’s been too many weeks of white wine in a row.  Time to get back to some red wines.

Of course, red wines when it’s ninety degrees outside seem wrong.  But there are some.  A good Sangiovese, for example.  It’s light enough to still be refreshing.

I love the summer.  Heat is my friend.  As a lupus patient with bad circulation in my hands and feet, I’m cold most of the winter.  Even today, with a high of 88, my feet were numb this morning.  Sandals are not my friend.

I don’t spend much time at the pool, too many houses and kids in my subdivision for me.  Plus, they frown upon bottles of wine and wine glasses on the pool deck. 

But I spend plenty of time outside on my patio reading, writing, or bird watching.  If not doing that, I garden.  There’s nothing in this world like fresh tomatoes.  Anything from the grocery store doesn’t stand up.

Back to red wine.  A steak grilled out on a warm June evening still needs a good red wine.  Try the Corte Alla Flora Cab. 

Out of Tuscany, this red wine makes me think about caramel, currants, and cinnamon graham crackers.  Weird, right?  When I tasted this, someone else tasted vanilla.  I still taste the crackers.  It’s a nice flavor without oak.  Light, easy to drink, still holding complex flavors like I expect from a good cab.

Personally, I’d grill out a good ribeye, seasoned with Weber’s steak seasoning.  Pair it with some broiled asparagus and mashed cauliflower.  Now eat out on your back deck as the sun is going down. 

Do you hear the crickets?  Tree frogs?  Are the lightening bugs out yet?  Embrace the evening, enjoy the summer, and give a summery red wine a try.
