July 12, 2018
Chateau Larmevaille White Bordeaux

Today I’m going to blog about the saddest day.  The words will be tough, but I hope to get through.

When I got home from the day job today, a list of chores to do and a blog to write, I noticed a strange, sweet smell in my house.  Glancing around the kitchen, I can’t find the source.  I chalk it up to an overactive nose and go on about my business.

The smell persists, coming and going as I move around the kitchen and dining room.

Sadly, I discovered the source when I went to pull a bottle for this blog.

The white Bordeaux that I’d opened last night, drank one glass from, and intended to blog on today had opened and emptied in my wine refrigerator. 

The sadness of wasted white Bordeaux is tragic.  The waste of the mild, light fruit flavors.  The loss of a hint of flowers in the nose.  The clean, refreshing flavors that will never be tasted or enjoyed. 

I guess tonight, I will have to find another bottle to serve with pork roast.  After all, life must go on after a loss.  We must pick up the pieces, dry our tears, and move on to the next bottle.
