September 20, 2018
Bogle Merlot

It’s not the champagne I thought I’d be blogging on today (but Contrition is FINISHED and available in stores now!).  I picked up this bottle for Girl’s Movie Night (Deadpool 2, we’re an odd bunch of girls).  I like Bogle and have for years.  I’ll get back to that.

I believe in a concept called “God with Skin On.”  It’s something I was taught by a very wise woman a long time ago.  If you listen, really listen to the people around you – family, friends, the lady in the grocery store you don’t know – you will get the answers to all your questions.  Guidance can be had, you must open your ears and heart.

In the last few days I have been questioning.  The what isn’t important, other than like a character in one of my books I am questioning if I am doing the right thing.  When to play dirty and when to take the high road.

I try to live my life on the high road.  Playing dirty comes easy for me, but it takes me to a place in my spirit I don’t like to live.  Many years ago, I made the choice to be at peace when I went to bed at night.  I want to know that my actions of the day were out of love, kindness, and humility.  Not anger, resentment, or hurt.  I never want to lay down at the end of the day knowing I have hurt someone on purpose.

Today my day job puts me in a position to hear a speaker.  The topic?  Always do the right thing.  Harmful words hurt.  Lies matter.  Is it harder to do the right thing?  Yes.  What is the reward?  Yourself.  Your honor, your integrity. 


Quite a jump from Deadpool Movie Night, right? 

I didn’t like the Merlot.  After hearing today’s speaker, it makes me wonder if I outgrew it.  Is it possible that as my taste buds matured (like my sense of self has matured) that the flavor isn’t what I remember it being?  Maybe, just maybe, I’ve learned to want more – to be more.
