September 6, 2018
Storyteller Pinot Noir – Into the Fog

This week’s blog is a big surprise.  I picked this bottle because of the name.  Between finishing up proof approvals for Contrition, about to drop later this month, and first round edits on Fallen (a new series coming this spring), I’ve been covered up with writing work.  Not to mention keeping all the burners burning at my day job.

Despite my hesitations at a Pinot Noir, the name called to me, making me grab the bottle off the shelf at Kroger.  I’ve had Storyteller before, the cab, and I knew it had a chance of being good.

I came home from work today not feeling well.  I suffer from Lupus, an extended stressful work situation has caused a good bit of damage to my joints, a salt water bath was in order.  I poured a glass of this expecting to write the blog after the bath.

It’s wonderful.  Yes, it’s light like a Pinot Noir should be.  It’s full of fruit – raspberries and cherries on the nose.  The mouth has a great feel without minerality.  More fruit. 

I knew when I bought this it was a Sonoma County Pinot Noir.  I had to go back downstairs after my bath to double check – I thought it was an Oregon Pinot. 

I hope this surprising wine is a future indicator of Contrition doing well in stores.  Surprising, solid, and tasteful. 

And for more information on Fallen, keep an eye on my Anne Schlea Facebook.  Like a great wine, the story will take on a journey into a world not your own.

Thanks for reading, I’ll see you next week!
