October 11, 2018

Orlegi de Luberri Cosecha 2017

As I’m prepping for my first book signing this week, I’ve struggled with a bit of a stomach bug.  I suspect the bug originated as a bit of food poisoning, but I can’t pin down exactly when and where it started.  The positive take away is that I fit nicely in my outfit for Tuesday’s signing.  The downside is two days of chicken broth with a bit of chicken noodle/rice soup at the end of the day.

Happily, my stomach as rebounded and red wines help settle the stomach anyway, so I’m still able to do this blog.

But back to my book signing.  I’m very excited (and a bit nervous).  I don’t want it to be a bust for the venue that is kind enough to host me.  Hopefully, enough fans will come out on what looks to be a cool, potentially rainy day to drink a glass of wine and have a book signed.

A writer I admire said once, “If you’re going to write vampire books, look like you write vampire books.  Don’t dress like a second-grade teacher.”

For this event, I ordered some new shirts online (they don’t exactly sell “vampire author” style shirts in Forsyth County).  Of course, they don’t fit exactly right.  I needed to take in the shoulders.

Let me state a fact right here.  I don’t Pinterest.  I don’t craft.  I don’t make things.  I write.  And I certainly don’t sew. 

My friends who do sew assure me that what I’m doing isn’t a big deal.  I pull out the tiny sewing kit that was a wedding present back in 2003 and happily find everything I need.  Twenty minutes and two bloody fingers later, I think I have shirts that fit.  Go me!

The things we will go through for our craft.

The Spanish wine that broke my food poisoning induced fast is an extremely dry Spanish.  There’s some cherry on the nose, light pepper and spice on the mouth.  It’s nice, drinkable, probably would be amazing with a peperoni pizza if I thought my stomach would take it.

I picked up my bottle at Talk of the Table – home of my wine tasting this week.  I’ll be back next week to let you know how it goes!
