October 18, 2018
Marcella’s Santa Barbara County White Wine

First book signing is in the books!  It was a fun night with friends, some old and some new, some new readers, and some fabulous wine.  A huge thank you to Talk of the Table in Forsyth County for hosting – I hope the evening was as much of a success for you as it was for me.

I love meeting fans.  I love talking about the Retribution Universe, it’s characters, and my writing process.  (Maybe it’s a little vain and I just like talking about myself, but let’s not dwell on that perspective.)

Thanks to everyone who came out, I hope to see you all again soon!

My Vivino reviewing has created a new challenge for me in the middle of this book launch.  I like games.  If you review enough wines, you move from Explorer to Enthusiast to Expert.  I now have a crazy drive to review wines of the same style so that I can move up.  This is going to become a sickness.

The Marcella white wine ended up on my table just because of that.  I need two more California whites to move up.  Smile.

This one is really interesting.  It has the flavor of bananas.  The nose is stone and earth and peat.  Very odd for a white.  But the mouth is not at all what you’d expect.  I got banana with a little bit of citrus at my first taste.  After my brain said, banana, that’s all I get. 

It’s a nice alternative to a chardonnay, balanced, and not too sweet. 

What is NOT balanced is my drive to win.  I will win the California white blend enthusiast rank.  I will do it.
