December 20, 2018
11 Minutes and Cambozola Black Label

I’m sorry I disappeared for a few weeks.  First, I was sick and couldn’t actually taste anything for over a week.  Then I decided to overhaul my website, social media, newsletter, and blog to get a fresh start on 2019.  (It’s like spring cleaning for a writer.)  The next thing I know, two weeks are gone by with no blog.

A lot happened over the last few weeks I should catch you up on.  First, go to my author’s website of Anne Schlea on Facebook and sign up for my newsletter.  It will mostly feature my fiction writing, but you never know what wine references will appear.

Second, this might be my last blog.  My husband might kill me when he gets home.  We’ve been married since 2003.  He isn’t a huge fan of the holidays (mostly because of the “it must be perfect” pressure instilled into the holiday by certain family members).  While he tolerates my Christmas tree, (cough, three Christmas trees) he has a “no lights on the house” rule that is never to be broken.

Along with “only one color of lights, we will not have multi colored anything,” it is his only fast and solid rule for Christmas.  Well…I might have added white lights to our porch this afternoon while I was baking cookies.  They look lovely with my wreath and my small Rosemary Christmas Tree on the front steps.  (I think the Rosemary Christmas Tree is also against some kind of rule, but I can’t swear for certain.)

I’m enjoying what might be my last meal of a glass of wine and a slice of cheese that fit perfectly together.  The wine is a rose with a hint of floral fruit and a bit of stone.  The stone flavors nicely offset the cheese – Cambozola Black Label.  A blend of gorgonzola and camembert. 

I might not survive the night, but I’ll die happy.

Personally, I love the holidays.  The music, decorations, and traditions soothe my soul on the most difficult of days.  And as I wrap up the most difficult year I’ve had in a while, I can say I regret none of it.  I’ve learned more this year than I have in a long while.  2019 is shaping up to be spectacular.  

My productivity is up, my lupus numbers are down, and I’m gaining readers daily.

May you have a Merry Christmas.  I wish upon your family blessings, happiness, and joy this holiday season.  Thank you for sticking with me through a tough year.  In 2019, may you drink more wine, eat more cheese, and embrace success.
