February 21, 2019
Chateau Famaey Malbec

Ah, French wine.  I love French wine.  I know, I am very old fashioned sometimes, but this wine is a wonderful accompaniment to my writing break.

Not fiction, at least not at the moment, but reports.  This is the time of year that I submit my yearly report of “what I did last year” to my trade organization.  They aren’t required, but the reports generate the list of top 100 in the industry, and I like to be on that list.  😊

I have an added report this year that I don’t normally submit.  Biggest Turnaround. 

Business is generally good for us.  We have great customers, fabulous staff, and things move along smoothly – at least until this summer.  We had a not so minor bump in the road that turned into a big deal.  We lost customers, staff, and a lot of PR face.

Pause.  Deep breath.  Sip of wine.  It’s mineraly, light, and easy to drink.  The nose makes me think of sand and saltwater. 

Yet when I look back at 2018, I’m surprised to find that I’m grateful for the year.  I’m grateful for the trials and the learning opportunities.  I’m stronger now.  The business is stronger.  We’ve rediscovered innovation and realized we were resting too much on our previous laurels. 

We found our drive.

I don’t know how the trade organization will take the report.  No one wants to hear how one business screwed up another business in their own industry.  It happens.  Sometimes on purpose, sometimes not.  I can’t swear what happened to us was on purpose.  It happened, it’s over, we’ve all moved on.

I hope the trade organization reads the report and finds it surprising and inspiring, much like this Malbec.   Deep roots in ancient French soil that give it history.  Not sweet, but not too dry, instead balanced and complete. 
