September 12, 2019
7 Moons Dark Blend

I released my latest novel.  You should check it out – Sovereign – on Amazon.  Right now, it’s an Amazon exclusive. 

I released the book at the end of August.  It was (sort of) accidentally lined up with the New Moon.  For those of you who dabble in moon-lore, the time to build something new is when the moon is building: the phases from new until full.  I hope that bodes well for the book.

This wine fell into my world that same weekend because I was in a panic.  I like order in my house.  Things put away.  Shelves full.  No empty spots on the wine rack.  Not only did I have empty spaces on the wine rack, I had empty spaces in the wine refrigerator – which is totally unacceptable.

Somehow, I’d overstocked my white wines and didn’t have enough reds to fill the spaces.  Oh, the horrors!

I like the bottle and it would help build my Vivino California Red Blends ranking.  (The things I’ll do and drink to make those ranking numbers tick upward.)

This is one of the ones that’s better after being open a day.  It was pretty non-descript the first day.  The second day it tasted like chocolate.  I bet, come cold weather, this wine would be decadent in a hot chocolate/wine recipe.  It’s got a great, dark ruby color, too.

The wine doesn’t need food – I actually find it better without food.  Open, let decant, and drink.  It’s truly lovely.

What would make it lovelier, however, is enjoying it with my new book.  Available on Amazon.  Did I mention that?
