October 3, 2019
Zinfandel or Primitivo?

I’ve been watching an interesting experience in narcissism happen around my office over the last two months.  Thankfully, it’s got very little to do with me, I’m just an outside observer who’s curious to see how it works itself out.

I spend most of my life thinking about others (in a positive way).  I try to help out the animal shelter, serve on non-profits that help children in the community, and give whenever I can.  I’m much more likely to be worried about why you’re mad at me than to be mad at you about anything.

Being angry takes up too much time and energy in a world when life is too short, and life is too precious.

Meanwhile, it’s amazing to watch how things get blown out of proportion and when the “right” reaction isn’t given, the offense gets bigger and bigger.  Watching, it helps me to remember that nothing is that important and, most likely, no one is spending their day thinking about how to make mine miserable.  We’re all doing the best we can with the knowledge we have.  Heck, it’s possible one person in this situation doesn’t even know the other is upset. 

Goodness forbid we actually talk to each other as humans.

But, I digress, so on to the wine.

This week, I did a challenge to learn the difference between Primitivo and Zinfandel.  (Same grape, different countries and generations of vines.)  I like Zinfandel.  It’s heavy, has some jammy qualities, raspberry, a little bit of leather.  It goes with a steak or a plate of strong cheeses. 

Primitivo is all the yummy goodness of Zinfandel times a thousand.  The Layer Cake Primitivo (the easiest one to find) is stellar.  It’s heavy and warm; I need a second bottle of this for when it (finally) cools off around Atlanta.

For the second week in a row, Europe wins.  I truly enjoy the challenges, but I’m beginning to see a pallet pattern.


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