November 14, 2019
Chronic Cellars Suite Petite

I love unique and interesting labels.  Because of this, I have a collection of bottles in my kitchen and an almost as big collection of bottles just for the Halloween season.  I change them out each year and then change them back.

Chronic Cellars Sofia King Bueno was one of my first Halloween bottles.  This year, after I’d already made my Halloween wine commitment, my favorite shop posted a social media pic of this bottle.

Back to the wine store I go to get the bottle.

I’m a fan of Petit Syrah and of Syrah.  Lately, however, California red hasn’t been sitting kindly with me.  Only a few sips and I find a headache beginning.  It’s a sad state of affairs for a wine blogger.

This one, thankfully, didn’t give me a headache.  It’s a thick, heavy red that must have a good food pairing.  It’s too heavy to drink alone.  It’s fruity with blackberries, spices, and jam.  Pair it with a good ribeye or for desert with a dark chocolate and you’re golden.
