November 7, 2019
Dracula Sparkling Rose

How about a glance back at last week?  I love Halloween.  My favorite holiday.  Maybe it’s because I write vampire novel.  Maybe I write vampire novels because I love Halloween.  Chicken.  Egg. 

This year, Halloween was a near bust at my house.  We started the day at seventy degrees.  By trick or treat, it was forty and had just finished raining.  The wind was blowing like crazy and no trick or treaters were in sight. 

Cue a bottle of Sparkling Rose, a gluten free pumpkin cheesecake, and a marathon of Ghost Hunters episodes and Halloween night is good to go.  There may not have been a steady string of adorable, dressed-up children at my door, but spooky television on a “dark and stormy night” works just fine for me.

My husband?  He tolerates Halloween.  He twitches the moment the decorations go up and breathes a sigh of relief when I take them down.  (He then glowers when I put up Fall decorations for Thanksgiving.)  Basically, he hates holidays in general.  (He even refuses to celebrate his birthday.)

The wine was nice, if not a bit too summery for me this time of year.  It’s a blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir; you’ll get a lot of Strawberry on both the nose and the palette.   I’d love to try it again in June while picnicking with some good barbeque. 

Overall, a good, solid sparkling from California.
