Terranoble Sauvignon Blanc 2019


September 24, 2020

Terranoble Sauvignon Blanc 2019


The bright scents of citrus: grapefruit and lemon, look deeper and get a hint of pineapple.  The nose for this wine alone is enough to lift your spirits and ease any tension in your shoulders.  Swirl the wine in your glass, let it get a breath of air, and you’ll add melon and pear to the bouquet of fruit.

I’m focusing on the positive this week.  Good wine, good energy, and good friendships.  For right now, I’m going to forget that #2020sucks and keep my mind on the good things.  Puppies, chocolate, and a trip back home to see family.

Between Hurricane Sally trying to disrupt a planned trip back to Ohio for a family wedding celebration, a death of a coworker (not COVID related, but unexpected all the same), and the general grind of life in a pandemic, being positive is starting to become a task.  The kind of task you get up in the morning and promise you’ll stick to only to find yourself being forced to hit the “restart” button before lunch.

Seriously, I’m ready for all of this to be over and for life to return to some semblance of normal.  Of course, barring the sudden development of a vaccine, that’s unlikely to happen anytime soon.

So, I must instead focus on the things that do make me happy and relieve stress.

Terranoble Sauvignon Blanc helps with the stress.  The nose helps to relax me, the scents of so much citrus fruit taking me on a trip to a tropical oasis.

The flavors are just as fulfilling and equally fruity.  It has a bit of a bite from the lemon and the grapefruit, but it’s a good bite.  Overall, it’s well rounded, fruit forward, and just the kind of wine to help you unwind after a tough day.  Drink it now, don’t hold it for the winter.  It’s a good summer wine.
