Barberani Polago


October 22, 2020

Barberani Polago


For some of you, summer has already passed away leaving you with crisp mornings and fall jackets.  For some of the rest of us, it’s just giving up its final grasp on the weather with eighty-degree days and foggy mornings.  Here in Atlanta, we can go from a high of eighty to a high of sixty in a few days.

While the Mother Nature is making it difficult to decide what to wear in the morning, it allows for a few more nights on the back porch sipping warm weather red wine.

Barberani Polago is exactly one of those wines. 

The wine is a blend of Sangiovese and Montepulciano, light enough for warm weather, but still heavy enough if fall’s chill has started to settle in.  It has a nice balance of tannins and it walks the tightrope line between bold and light flavors nicely. 

I get a little herbaceousness off the nose, which caught me off guard.  The flavors are filled with tart cherry and oak.  It won’t warm you up on a cold night like a heavy cab or zinfandel, but it’s perfect for the just-starting-to-get-chilly nights of autumn.
