F.J. Serra Chardonnay 2018


October 8, 2020

F.J. Serra Chardonnay 2018


I’m continuing my adventure through the land of Chardonnay with this California wine.  Some people have asked me why I keep buying bottles and trying a wine I know I don’t love.  Chardonnay, in general, and I haven’t gotten along well.  But every once in a while, I find one I love. 

This adventure is to help me define what I don’t (and what I do) love about the grape.  How can the same grape taste so drastically different from two different locations?  A combination of weather, soil, temperature, and location can make a huge difference.

As I’ve worked through this taste testing, I realized I was learning more about the location of grapes than anything else.  California produces a Chardonnay I don’t love.  There are some that are better than others.  However, you take that vine and move it to France?  Amazing wines.  I love Chardonnay from France.

Everything about the wine changes once you change locations.  A few miles can make a mountain of difference.

This Chardonnay isn’t so bad.  The oak is light, not at all like many California Chardonnays that feel like you’re eating a piece of wood.  It’s drinkable without being buttery.  Instead I get a lot of fruit – pear and apple most prominently, with a touch of cream.  Not butter – cream. 

I’ll keep on this journey of discovery with Chardonnay for a while longer.  It’s a heavy enough white for fall.  Maybe I’ll try Cab on my next trip.
