October 15, 2020

Neyers Chardonnay 2018


Closing in on the election is a lot like watching a car wreck happen.  How the votes tally don’t matter.  It’s the destruction of friendships, businesses, and relationships.

While political parties war with each other and try to convince the American people why their candidate is the best, a country that is already damaged by quarantine is doing more damage to its own society.  I hope that once the election is over that people remember we have things in common, we need each other, and that politics are not the most important factor in our lives together.

No one thought we’d still be social distancing back in March when we started “fifteen days to flatten the curve.”  Over seven months of isolation, loneliness, loss of income, frustration, and confusion have caused the most light-hearted of us to start showing the signs of prolonged stress.  Some can’t remember what “normal” feels like.

Be patient with each other.  Love each other.  Be kind.  Don’t buy into the hatred.  Don’t let yourself be manipulated by a media that has a goal of selling papers and turning on televisions.  Be better.  Be braver.  Be stronger.  Be resilient.

I stepped up my game this week to a more expensive Chardonnay.  Neyers Chardonnay out of Sonoma County has oak without weighing you down.  It gives you apples covered in a splash of cream.  It’s balanced, well rounded, and has just enough body to give you the feel of a California Chardonnay without knocking you over with a block of oak. 

The wine is what I look for in a good California Chardonnay.  If someone sends me to the store for one, this is what I’ll buy.  

