Patel Malbec


November 12, 2020

Patel Malbec

Disclaimer – this wine was a big splurge.  I split a bottle with two friends over dinner and it was worth every penny. But we’ll get to that in a minute.

Reading through two week’s ago blog, I realize that once you realize you’re struggling, it’s up to you to do something about it. I’m good about taking steps to ensure my mental health is improving (or at least not getting worse). I eat healthy. I exercise. I keep a regular schedule.

I also find ways to alleviate the isolation. I simply cannot sequester myself in the name of health indefinitely. Do I want to get sick? No. But I also know that the slippery slope of depression is greased with isolation. I’m a people person. No people around? Mentals things start to get sticky.

I have a small group of other people that I deem my “necessary circle of exposure.” One other couple my husband and I play cards and have dinner with once a month. Two friends I share wine with once a month. These people help keep me sane. They keep me from completely disappearing into myself.

We all have our own triggers – the things that hurt our mental health. It’s up to us to be aware of those and to do our best to maintain a healthy balance in life. I read that diagnosis of mental health issues is up thirty percent right now. It seems many of us aren’t doing such a great job.

The Patel was an excuse for us to get together and enjoy a truly amazing bottle of wine.  (At over $100 for the bottle, it was still worth it.) The roundness of the flavors, the complexity of the nose, even the shade of the robe were all exquisite.  I’m going to be spoiled if we do this too often.

Has it been a while since you’ve splurged on taking care of yourself?  No vacation this year because of COVID? Go to a good wine store (not your standard grocery store, but somewhere that has a knowledgeable staff) and splurge.  Think of your normal price range and double it. Do something for yourself.
