Storyteller: Into the Fog


February 18, 2021

Storyteller Pinot Noir: Into the Fog


Back when I didn’t like Pinot Noir, I still liked this wine because of what the bottle implies.  I love the idea of disappearing into the fog, whether it is the fog of a new idea, a new adventure, or a mystery waiting to be solved.  Writing for me is very much like this – it is an escape into a new world that I can barely make out and whose defining features are yet to be seen.

When I start a writing project, be it a blog, a newsletter, a novel, or a short story, the blank “page” is as open as the sky.  There’s no limit to where I can take myself.  I can look at the page like a job – dreading the time it will take to put words on paper to get that newsletter out next week as scheduled.  Or I can see it as an adventure – an opportunity to explore the world of words, and to take others on the journey with me.

Into the Fog takes you on a journey of cherries, cranberries, leather, and a whisp or two of smoke.  It’s light, easy to drink with or without food.  You’ll have to paint your own picture from there.  Imagine a pathway disappearing into the woods, the evening’s misty swirling over the path.  Perhaps you see a light in the distance – is it the flicker of a lantern or the steady beam of an iPhone?  Do venture toward the light or do you retreat to the safety of your living room?  The choice is yours.
