La Boutanche Trollinger

Cranberries.  I’m sitting here, trying to decide how to write today’s blog, and all I can think about is cranberries.  This wine is bursting with the tartness of fresh cranberries and red raspberries.  The color is a dark rose, almost the color of cranberry juice.  Everything about this wine screams cranberry.  Once you think it, all other flavors and thoughts are erased. 

This wine comes from southwest Germany, in the hills of Strumpfelbach, just west of Stuttgart and north of the border with Switzerland.

As far as I can remember, I had never had a Trollinger before this wine.  My husband brought me this one as a gift; he told the woman at the wine shop he wanted something unique.  He liked the label, and since this wasn’t your run of the mill, everyday grape, he got the bottle.

Little did I know how unique it was until I opened it.  I expected a normal, every day rose.  I expected strawberries and melon.  Being from Germany, I expected some sweetness like a Riesling.  I paired it with burgers and potatoes, figuring it would be a light accompaniment to my dinner. 

I was surprised and not sure what to do when I tasted the first sip and realized I had been dead wrong as to my guess on the flavors of the wine.  The glass got set aside for an after-dinner refreshment – it did not go well with the spices on the grilled meat.

If you’re looking for something unique, dry, and refreshingly tart, this is a wine for you.  I can imagine sipping this in the heat of the summer as a before dinner drink on the back patio waiting for the steaks to finish on the grill.

