De La Rougerie Sauvignon Blanc

April 29, 2021

De La Rougerie Sauvignon Blanc


It’s been a long time since I’ve drank a Sauvignon Blanc.  It’s not a very wintery wine, it’s not one of my favorite varietals.  (At least not now that I no longer eat popcorn – popcorn and a good Sauv Blanc?  That’s the food of the gods.)  I can’t tell you the last time I ordered a Sauv Blanc on purpose. 

Girls Night this month involved a wine tasting game called “Sommify.”  (Awesome game if you have a group of wine nerd friends.)  Everyone brings a bottle of wine, brown bagged so we can’t see what you have.  We taste.  We guess what varietal it is.

Voila!  I remember (thanks to my friend Carol) how much fun a French Sauvignon Blanc can be.  Hints of banana (try to get that out of your head once you taste it), apple, pear, and melon.  Not too much citrus (New Zealand Sauv Blancs can be overpowering on the citrus).  Well balanced and very “green.” 

This is a good wine, easy to drink, and summery to boot.  Grab a bottle before your next picnic and enjoy!

