I’m heading to the beach. Or, at least, I’m heading to my sister’s house which is located near the beach. It’s time for a short vacation (sorry, hubby, you get to stay home with the dogs) and bonding time with my nieces. Thankfully, my sister lives in a sunny, beach town in Florida, which makes this more like a vacation
Unlike my wine snob self, she’ll drink anything in her price
range (a bit lower than mine) and is an easy to please wine drinker. Usually my trips to visit involve a glass on
the beach with dinner and then a stop at a local wine shop to pick out
something fun for home.
I’m not picky when I’m at her house. I’m so happy to see and smell the ocean I’d
drink almost anything (a few of my Grocery Grabs picks aside).
Besides, sometimes you find something that surprises you
when you let someone else pick out the bottle.
I found this affordable little gem in the regular grocery
store near the Chianti. I don’t remember
seeing many bottles of Spanish wine in the grocery store so I thought I’d give
this one a try. It isn’t bad and priced
right. Smooth, nice amount of acidity. Cherry cola on the nose with flavors of
unripe raspberry and cherry up front. If
you’re looking for something affordable and unique, this is a step away from
your regular Cabs and Pinot Noirs. Give
it a try.
Meanwhile, I’m going to enjoy a bit of sand, a great dinner
of fresh fish, and a glass of beachy wine.
What wine do you enjoy most when you go to the beach? Tell me in the comments!
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