Chateau Saint Roch Kerbuccio Maury Sec

May 13, 2021

Chateau Saint Roch Kerbuccio Maury Sec


While the world is returning to some semblance of normal in many places, COVID is still forcing us to jump through ridiculous hoops in other places.  Take my morning yesterday.  I had an actual, face to face event I needed to attend at one of the local colleges. 

First thought – yes!  I get to see people!  I get to sit in a room with people!  I get to have a conversation with people without them freezing or cutting out half of the phrase.  I’m not afraid to do in person.  Even in this environment, I prefer it.  I hate Zoom meetings, I hate virtual “wine nights.”  I’m sorry.  I live dangerously, I know.

I arrive at the college, feeling the gleeful giddiness of knowing I get to do something almost normal.  They need to take my temp at the entrance.  Cool, no problem.  But they don’t have one of those digital thermometers that you point and fire like a little laser gun.  Nope.  They have a tablet attached to a pole.  Stand in front of it, they say, it will read your temp. 

I stand in front and line my happy face up with the outline of the human on the screen.  Nothing.  They angle the tablet around.  Nothing.  Maybe I’m too short, I jump up so my head reaches the top of the tablet.  Still nothing.  Three and a half minutes later, we get the angle just right, I hold my breath, the stars align, and my temp comes back 98.3.  I ask the girl at the machine why they don’t just use the point and click thermometers that everyone else does.  Because this is faster.  Right.

Do you know what isn’t complicated?  This wine.  It’s 100% fabulous (as close to a 5 out of 5 stars that I’ve had in a while, I gave it a 4.5.).  Lots of fruits – blackberry, blueberry, and plum.  It’s easy to drink and light on the tannins.  It has a thick mouthfeel and can be done with or without food.  The big downside of this one?  Drink it the first day you open it.  Even twenty-four hours of air and the flavors change drastically to more leather, more bitterness, and less fruit.

