Domaine La Berthete: les Pierrugues

When I was a child, my favorite family vacation was one we took to drive down the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Driving with my parents and my sister through the park, stopping to see the attractions, occasionally hiking one of the park’s trails was easily better than Disney World to my young sense of adventure.

I remember the Mystery House where the center of gravity is off (everything seems to flow uphill).  I think that might have been in an episode of Supernatural later in my life.  Even more so, I remember the Old Mill where they ground cornmeal and grits.  There was a restaurant there where I experienced Country Ham (ham that has been cured in salt) for the first time.  It wasn’t what I was expecting and it’s something I’ve never forgotten.

My grandparents loved the Blue Ridge Parkway, too.  When I was very young, we went on a trip there with them.  I barely remember that adventure, but my Grandma kept a photograph of the Old Mill in her kitchen for the rest of her life.  The last conversation I had with my Grandpa centered around what he wanted to do with his summer.  It was May and he had just undergone a traumatic surgery to repair damage to his intestines.  He said he’d like to drive down the Blue Ridge Parkway.  He passed two days later, and I hope that’s what he and my Grandma spend the summer doing.

Needless to say, this old-timey family vacation is on my list of things I hope to do with my husband one day.  For now, caring for an elderly pet is keeping us close to home.  However, I suspect that one day in the future we’ll be following in Grandma and Grandpa’s footsteps along the parkway.

This wine, even though it’s a French Cotes du Rhone, reminds me of the woods and earthiness of the parkway. It’s dominate flavors are plum, oak, and earth.  It’s heavier than most Cotes du Rhone I’m used to drinking, yet still a good summer drink.  It’s heavy enough for someone who likes a heavier red without the weight of a Cab. 
