L.A. Cetto Petite Sirah


I’ve been to Mexico twice in my life.  The second time was a business trip to visit a factory for a vendor whose guitars I sell.  The trip was into a working part of Mexico which was a little unnerving (at the time, I didn’t know the language; I do now and bet I’d have a different experience).  The views weren’t Cancun beautiful, there was a lot of barbed wire and traffic filled streets.

Oh, and did I mention the best street tacos I’ve ever had in my entire life?  Seriously.  We ate lunch at this little hole in the wall place and I can’t even put into words how amazing the food was.  The people in the restaurant were friendly (it helped we had a company translator).  It was an incredible experience to the “real” side of Mexico that didn’t include beaches and tourist locations.

My first trip was to the ruins at Tulum on a cruise tour.  Needless to say, that was a very different experience.  We enjoyed the tourist side of the country and visited the most amazing tequila store I think I’ve ever seen.  To this day, I can’t drink tequila.  They basically handed us shot glasses and told us to try anything we wanted until we found what we wanted to purchase.  Not something you should do to two college students.

This wine was as much as surprise as both my trips to Mexico.  I didn’t expect to enjoy a Mexican wine.  Correction: I didn’t even know Mexican wine was a thing until I ran across this bottle as part of my Wine Club.  It’s dry, has medium tannins, with oak and tobacco.  Interesting, different, less fruit than I’m used to in a Petite Sirah, but enjoyable.
