La Fruitiere Folle Blanche

Good things come to those who wait.  Other times, you want to enjoy something quickly because tomorrow it’s going to go bad.

When you were a kid, did you ever eat so much of your Halloween candy at one time it made you sick?  Me, either, but I remember more than one holiday meal when I might have had one too many servings of mashed potatoes and gravy.

What starts out as a good thing – creamy potatoes with savory turkey gravy poured over to compliment the Thanksgiving turkey – can turn sour in your stomach when you lie on the sofa wondering why you didn’t have more self-control at the dinner table.

Air isn’t a bad thing for wine.  It carries the aromas to your nose and opens up reds that are too tight.  Decanters are made for red wines to add air into the blend, adding to flavor, nose, and experience.

But too much air can ruin a wine, especially a white. 

When first opened, this wine is fruit forward, a little floral, and has a hint of minerality.  After only one night of being opened and stored in a refrigerator, the minerality takes over the wine and leaves it flat.  No more citrus, no more honeysuckle, no more banana flavors.  It tastes like licking a piece of limestone.

It’s a good bottle when you first open it up.  Just be prepared to finish it all in one sitting or you’ll be disappointed.

